About Us
It all started with Nancy Drew and ‘Password to Larkspur Lane’; so desperate to find out if my
sleuthing was correct and I had solved the mystery, I resorted to reading with a torch under the
covers, racing through the pages at rapid speed. With that heady rush of triumph, so began my love
of crime literature. Eagerly spending all my pocket money on books in Eason’s on O’Connell Street in
Dublin, I ripped through the Famous Five, the Hardy Boys and Secret Seven, galloping on to the
classics: Margery, PD, Dorothy, Sir Arthur and Agatha. There was a particular penchant for Hercule
Poirot, during my teenage years in Belgium. After a brief foray into romantic fiction, it was back to crime, branching out to Rankin, Patterson, Cleeves, Coben, Cornwell, and Deaver…to name
but a few.
I took the road more travelled, taking my passion for crime fiction with me into motherhood (and now ‘nana’ hood!) and a career encompassing travel, finance, civil service and the NGO world. Going to university as a mature student in my 40s was an opportunity to engage with other types of crime and crime literature, such as crimes of the state and state actors and the impact of crime on our communities. Oh, and I also married a criminologist along the way, so I am much aware of the interest in books that explore the causes and consequences of crime.
Since those early days, I have harboured the dream of being part of an international and local community with a shared enthusiasm for crime literature. Finally, at the age of 53, after many diversions, I am proud to welcome you to Crime-Ink - a crime book subscription and gift box platform. I hope you enjoy it!